


你的食物是什么颜色? (FN595) People need different amounts of fruits and vegetables depending on their age, 性别和每日体力活动的数量. Taste a rainbow of fruits and vegetables for better health.

全谷物:农业健康(FN691) Whole-grains contain all elements of the kernel-bran, germ and endosperm. The bran and germ contain a variety of health-enhancing components-dietary fiber, 植物化学物质, 维生素, trace minerals and small amounts of unsaturated fat. This publication provides the recommended daily amounts, 全谷物的健康益处和食谱.

Take Time for Tea: For 健康和福祉 (FN1328) Taking time to strengthen relationships over a cup of tea can be good for emotional and physical health. The tea warms your body and adds health-promoting substances to the diet. The time spent in conversation with a friend or family member can strengthen those important social bonds that enhance health and well-being.

Quick Facts: Your Game Plan: Healthful Snacking for Sports Fans (FN1406) Your favorite team is winning and you just watched the best half-time show you have ever seen. You reach into the bowl of crunch snacks and discover it's empty. 这是怎么发生的? Included in this publication are tips to manage snacking, 乐虎电子如何使零食更健康的想法, 连同食谱一起享用.

评估你的纤维健康度(FN1458) Fiber isn’t a “miracle food,”but adding fiber-rich foods to your diet can have health benefits. The National 可以cer Institute suggests that foods high in fiber may be protective against some cancers, 尤其是结肠癌. Although the National 可以cer Institute recommends getting 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day.

在饮食中添加纤维(FN1459) Having more fiber in your diet helps lower blood cholesterol and prevents constipation, 并可能有助于预防癌症. Many people shortchange themselves on the 20 to 35 grams per day fiber recommendation. The average American consumes 10 to 15 grams of fiber per day.

All 乐虎电子 Beans Nutrition, Health Benefits, Preparation and Use in Menus (FN1643)

Beans are among the most versatile and commonly eaten foods throughout the world, 在美国种植了许多品种.S. 因为它们的营养成分, these economical foods have the potential to improve the diet quality and long-term health of those who consume beans regularly. The purpose of this publication is to provide evidence-based nutrition and health information about beans, 准备建议, 样本食谱和参考资料,以供进一步研究.

Questions and Answers 乐虎电子 Fats in Our Diets (FN1685) Through the years, certain foods fall in and out of public awareness and favor. This certainly has been true of fats, such as those found in margarine and butter. 例如, 有一段时间, margarine was recommended instead of butter for health reasons; more recently, margarine has gotten bad press because it contains trans fat.

Questions and Answers 乐虎电子 Sodium and Its Impact on Our Health (FN 1686) Excessive sodium in our diet can increase our blood pressure, 尤其是对盐敏感的人. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Heart disease and stroke are the first and fourth leading causes of death in the U.S., making cardiovascular disease responsible for one of every three deaths in the country.

有关大豆食品的问答(FN1786) Soy is a plant native to Asia and has been a staple in the Asian diet for more than 5,000 years. Large-scale soybean cultivation did not start in the U.S. 直到二战前后. 今天,美国中西部地区.S. produces about half of the world’s supply of soybeans.

喝咖啡的时间! 探索最喜欢的饮料(FN1894) Coffee originated in the coffee forests of Ethiopia and has grown in popularity across the world, especially with today’s hustle-and-bustle culture. 不幸的是, 众多健康争议, concerns and warnings accompany this increasingly popular beverage. With so much confusion surrounding this energizing drink, determining fact from fiction sometimes is difficult.

Questions and Answers 乐虎电子 Gluten-free Diets (FN1915) You may have noticed an increased number of gluten-free products at your grocery store. Gluten-free products have reached billions of dollars in sales. However, consumers still may be unsure of what gluten is and reasons for gluten-free diets.