
The Best Pear Cultivars for North Dakota

Close up of ripening pear fruits on a tree branch

Pears are one of the most delectable fruits you can grow in your backyard. The fruits are great for fresh eating 和 canning. A spectacular bonus of growing pears is the display of pure white blossoms in springtime. 这绝对是惊人的!

The keys to success for growing pears in our state include proper site selection, 选择耐寒品种, training the branches to avoid upright growth, 监测火疫病.

Pear blossoms are sensitive to frost injury. Avoid planting the trees in frost pockets. Mulching with wood mulch can help to insulate the soil, 导致缓慢的, gradual warming 和 preventing premature bud break.

Close up of white pear blossoms on a pear tree branch
NDSU Agriculure 扩展 - Pear Blossoms

The branches of pear trees often have an upright habit. Annual pruning/training 和 the use of branch spreaders can maintain more horizontal, 更强的, 枝繁叶茂.

Fire blight is the leading killer of pears. This bacterial disease is introduced into the tree through wounds; often created by hailstorms or improper pruning. The initial symptoms will be scorched branch tips. Keep your eyes open for this disease 和 prune it out when you see it. The “ugly stub” treatment is often used for removing fire blight-infected branches.

Pears are best harvested before they are mature but not yet fully ripe. Mature pears are firm 和 will easily come off the branch when they are twisted upwards. Harvested pears will ripen fully off the tree when stored during a week of temperatures in the 60s.

The species of pears you select is important. Many of us are familiar with the ‘Bartlett’ pear (Pyrus普通的). These varieties with relatively large, teardrop-shaped fruits will not be hardy in the northern part of our state. 乌苏里梨(Pyrus ussuriensis), which include ‘保证’ 和 ‘金色的香料’ are hardier. 亚洲梨(Pyrus pyrifolia)在北达科他州不耐寒.

The varieties listed below are hardy only in Zone 4 unless noted otherwise. They are listed in order of ripening. Two compatible varieties are needed for good yields.  

品种 特性
早期的黄金 A seedling of '保证' displaying superior vigor 和 earliness. 八月初至中旬成熟. 3区耐寒. 使用“保证”作为传粉媒介
金色的香料 Small fruits have a tart, spicy flavor. 适合装罐. Vigorous trees are very hardy (Zone 3). 作为传粉者的绝佳选择. 来自明尼苏达州.
保证 黄绿色的小水果. 多汁又甜. 耐3区. 从马尼托巴省.
Summercrisp 水果 should be eaten green when they have a crisp texture like an Asian pear. 成熟的水果是甜的. 对火疫病有一定的抵抗力. 用“帕克”授粉. 来自明尼苏达州.
帕克 满洲梨子的幼苗. Large, bronze fruit with good eating quality. Fine grained, tender 和 juicy flesh. 来自明尼苏达州.
甜美的 Medium to small, bright yellow fruits. 甜点质量. 这棵树能抵抗火枯萎病. 不能为其他品种授粉. 用“帕克”授粉. 来自南达科他州.

卡尔布、T., K. Wiederholt C. 埃尔哈德和J. 好. Starting a 社区 Orchard in North Dakota. 2019(修改). NDSU扩展出版物H1558. p. 16.

史密斯,B.R. 和T. 罗珀. 2005. 首页 Fruit Cultivars for Northern Wisconsin. 威斯康星大学扩展分校. 

图片由 马丁LaBar 和 rkrl001 从Pixabay.