


Safe food handling is important at home, in the community, and in your business. Learn how to guard against allergen exposures and handle food safely to prevent food-borne illnesses.






Healthful meals help maintain energy and focus during work. Busy seasons for farmers can often be unpredictable. Try planning your meals in advance to make things easier, save on time and give you one less thing to think about while…
冷落细菌. Find the Chill challenge, the chill solution and the cool rules in this brochure.
There has been a recent movement for homeowners to get involved in raising backyard poultry. Backyard poultry can offer families the opportunity to raise their own meat and eggs, 以及4-氢的参与. 本出版物概述了……
The goal of this publication is to help volunteers prepare and serve food safely for large groups such as family reunions, 教堂的晚餐, and community gatherings — whether the food is prepared at the volunteer's home and brought to the…
This poster gives the guidelines for facility/equipment used in emergency mass feeding shelters.
Handling fruits and vegetables safely is easy. Although an invisible enemy may be in your kitchen, by practicing the recommendations here you can 战斗BAC!
成为BAC斗士,与BAC战斗! 清洗,分开,煮和冷藏.
冷冻是最简单的方法之一, 最快的, most versatile and most convenient methods of preserving foods. Properly frozen foods maintain more of their original color, flavor and texture and generally more of their nutrients than foods…
Pickling is one of the oldest known methods of food preservation. Pickled foods add a special touch to many snacks and meals.
This manual for foodservice operators reviews basic aspects of food sanitation throughout a foodservice operation and provides reference materials on food storage and other aspects of food safety.
结果:52例中1 ~ 10例 6


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